Museum OCMW Brussels Hoogstraat 298A 1000 Brussel Tel: +32 (0)2/543.60.55
This Museum was established in 1925 and operates within the Public Welfare Institution (CAP), later in 1976 CPAS-OCMW (Commission for Public Assistance). Core business of the CPAS is giving social and health welfare in every municipality, under a board of City counselors, a permanent President and a Secretary General who’s in charge of several departments as head of the administration.The Museum, joined with the Archives, is part of the Communication & Organization department, under the responsibility of a Curator (Archivist-Conservator) and several employees.
The Art Deco building that houses this unique museum was built in 1935 in the popular Marolles area and comprises a rich collection of historical art & archive records. The public area dedicated to the “Museum” is currently limited to a long corridor and the general meeting room, where you can find a vast amount of ancient paintings, prints & drawings, silver & copper tableware, medical equipment and charming antiques. The storage area is located in the basement which comprises approximately 3000 objects.
The public archives store precious documents like charters, map books, cartularies, orphan records and registers. This unique collection (from the 12th century until now) houses valuable information about the past and tells the rich story of social history in the capital city, from the former almshouses and charities up to modern practices in university hospital centers.
Free Entrance
Rue Haute 298 A Hoogstraat
1000 Brussels
Brussels Capital