The sanctuary of the Virgin Mary of Montserrat, has its historical origins in the hermitage of Santa Maria, which Count Guifré el Pelós gave to the Monastery of Ripoll in the year 888. In 1025, Oliba, Abbot of Ripoll and Bishop of Vic, founded a new monastery at the hermitage of Santa Maria de Montserrat. The little monastery soon began to receive pilgrims and visitors who contributed to the spread of stories of miracles and wonders performed by the Virgin.
Getting to Montserrat is easy, whether by public transport or car.
Hourly trains from Barcelona and Manresa link up with the rack railway , and the cable car. Montserrat is also well communicated with the main road network.
Also the tradition of reaching Montserrat on foot goes back to the Middle Ages, when there was no other way of coming to worship the Holy Image. Nowadays, many groups of pilgrims continue to walk up to Montserrat once a year.
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Plaça de Santa Maria, s/n
08199 Montserrat