TBA21 joins CloudGuide launching their new app today
Cloudguide is proud to announce that Viennese TBA21 has just launched their new app with us this week. This innovative, contemporary gallery is now showing a solo exhibition by ...
Cloudguide is proud to announce that Viennese TBA21 has just launched their new app with us this week. This innovative, contemporary gallery is now showing a solo exhibition by ...
Cloudguide is deploying ibeacons technologies to museums with very good results. We think the audience will find in them the possibility to interact in the rooms in a highly lud...
The new school year comes as usual with old doubts about how to integrate the use of mobile technology in everyday’s kids routine. Those questions related to access limitation, or ho...
Nina Simon, author of 2010 reference text The Participatory Museum, is a well know adviser of institutions which are interested on focusing their mission to 2.0 p...
It look quite impossible to define the reasons why visitors goes to Spanish museums. There has been an increase in absolut numers from 2012 in big public institutions that seems to be an unstopp...
When Lucy Lippard and John Chandler published "The Dematerialization of Art" in 1968, it seemed obvious that a kind of change had reached the world of art, where we saw a move of f...
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