The Papyrus Museum regularly presents objects from the Papyrus collection in exhibitions on specific topics.
The Papyrus Museum is a "museum of the cultures of Egypt". It is the written heritage of all those who over the millennia lived on the Nile and experienced the influences of the most varied cultures. That proximity and mixing of cultures is visible with particular clarity in the areas of the cult of the dead, medicine, magic, in the literature, and in the eating habits. Those areas and many others are illustrated in their many facets in the Museum through various exhibitions. Apart from written testimonies of all kinds, from spells on an amulet for protection against illnesses to a lease contract of an olive mill, other objects on display make what is spoken of in the texts visible and comprehensible.
Heldenplatz, Central Gate
Globen-, experanto-und Papyrusmuseum
Free admission for children and young people under 19
4€ Adults
3€ Reduced (students under 27 years, military and civilian service, handicapped, friends of cooperating museums and organisations, Club, Filmarchiv and Sponsors
3,50€ Seniors
3,60€ Vienna-Card, Ö1-Club members, Corporate Members
6,50€ Group p.p. for 10 or more persons
next days
Tue 10:00-18:00
Wed 10:00-18:00
Thu 10:00-21:00
Fri 10:00-18:00
Sat 10:00-18:00
Sun 10:00-18:00
Heldenplatz, Neue Burg
1010 Vienna