Stavbo Ljudske Posojilnice is one of the Ljubljana Art Nouveau buildings that were constructed by local Slovenian capital at the time of strengthening economic power.
Architect Josip Vancaš used in this building (and for the first time in his works) typical Art Nouveau motifs, as the plant tendrils with golden flowers in the balcony fences. The decoration has its models in Vienna, where Vancaš was trained. At the top of the façade, there are two seated female figures barefoot and have bare shoulders. The left figure is holding a hive in her hand, while the one at the right is holding a pouch. Both statues crown the building and represent wisdom, prosperity, prudence and diligence. At present, in addition to various shops on the ground floor, the building houses the Zadružna Zveza Slovenije (Cooperative Association of Slovenia).
Project date: 1907
Miklošič road 4
1000 Ljubljana