Culture is an asset we want to bring to everyone.
Housed in a building designed by architect Agustín Ortiz de Villajos for the Duchess of Medina de las Torres, following a series of restructuring and upgrading works the exhibition area now covers an area of around 1000 m2, divided into three rooms which are mainly used for exhibiting the plastic artsfrom the last third of the 19th century through to just after the Second World War. The exhibition rooms opened in the autumn of 2008, coinciding with a new international perspective in our programming following an in-depth review of the modernization of Spanish art between the last third of the 19th century through to the Spanish Civil War.
Photo © Jesús Antón
Under the auspices of their collaboration agreement, Fundación MAPFRE and Fundación CNSE, the foundation for the elimination of communication barriers, continue to work closely together on actions to encourage the participation of deaf people in artistic and cultural activities.
One way in which we strive to strengthen these ties is by offering exhibition tours for the deaf and hard of hearing at our Recoletos and Bárbara de Braganza halls in Madrid.
All of these activities are free of charge and conducted for a maximum of 15 people. The group is accompanied by experienced specialist guides who have a voice amplifier so that they can also address the needs of people with some hearing. An official Spanish sign language interpreter from Fundación CNSE also assists with the tour, specifically to liaise between the group members and the guide. Tours last approximately one hour. To sign up for a tour for the deaf or hard of hearing, please call 91 602 52 21 at least 24 hours in advance.
At the Recoletos Hall we also offer sign language guides. These are portable multimedia devices equipped with a screen that plays a video in which a selection of the most prominent works in the exhibition are explained using sign language and subtitles.
These guides can be requested free of charge at the audio guide desk.
The Culture Area of Fundación MAPFRE believes in universal accessibility, unimpeded by architectural barriers, and we are therefore committed to creating accessible infrastructures. In keeping with our aim of promoting the inclusion of people with a disability, we guarantee the right to explore our physical venues and participate in our activities.
We have a ramp for wheelchair access to the exhibition hall. The hall itself comprises three floors— Floor -1, Floor 0 and Floor 1—which are accessed by means of a generously-sizedelevator, making it very easy to move from floor to floor.
The disabled entrance is a double-leaf door, 1.80 m wide, permitting easy access for all wheelchairs.
On Floor 0 there is an adapted bathroom, indicated with the International Symbol of Access (ISA), for the exclusive use of people with a disability. On the same floor there is also a wheelchair available for loan to make the tour of our venue more convenient. It can be requested from the security personnel at the entrance.
There are also benches in the galleries, distributed according to the characteristics of each exhibition.
We strive continuously to make our halls as accessible as possible!
The Culture Area of Fundación MAPFRE is committed to ensuring greater accessibility to our activities. Fundación ONCE (National Organization of the Blind in Spain) has been working with us since 2010, helping us to improve the accessibility of our exhibitions and providing us with editions in Braille.
The audio guides with audio descriptions, available from the audio guide service at the Recoletos Hall and in all of our exhibition halls through the app, consist of a script and production specifically created for the blind and partially sighted. The aim is to provide as much autonomy as possible at our venues and to use description techniques to transform the images into sound explanations.
Guide dogs and assistance dogs, duly accredited, are allowed in our halls.
Buses: 5 - 14 - 27 - 37 - 45 - 53 – 150
Subway: Line 4 (Colón) y line 2 (Banco de España)
Suburban railway: C-2, C-7, C-8 y C-10
General admissions: €3 per person.
Free entry Mondays from 2 pm to 8 pm!
next days
Mon 14:00-20:00
Tue 10:00-20:00
Wed 10:00-20:00
Thu 10:00-20:00
Fri 10:00-20:00
Sat 10:00-20:00
Sun 11:00-19:00
Mon 14:00-20:00
Paseo de recoletos, 23
28004 Madrid